diego bernal h.

diego bernal is a multi-disciplinary designer from Bogotá, Colombia, currently based in Milan. Passionate about visual communication, front end technologies and UX & UI. He is currently attending the dual master in visual design, & web and digital design in spd scuola politecnica di design, Milan, Italy.

ticket to ride.

identity & editorial design

Europe is a diverse continent with unifying cultural roots. Ticket to ride encourages the creation of an integrated transport system to allow the young generation to move freely across the continent. The project has a distintive visual style, based on a intigrate medieval mythology that connects past and future travellers.
diego bernal h
anastasia melnichenko
sindhura thulasi

tickettoride tickettoride tickettoride tickettoride tickettoride tickettoride tickettoride tickettoride tickettoride





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